Nearly all companies in New York State with paid employees are required to have Workers’ Comp insurance. At Enforce Coverage Group, we specialize in helping employers with their Workers’ Comp needs. We begin by finding you the most competitive Workers’ Comp quote by approaching a variety of carriers who offer Workers’ Comp policies. Not sure if you need a Workers’ Comp quote? We will use our insurance expertise to determine which Workers’ Comp carrier is best for you depending on your individual needs.
Workers’ Comp Quote: What You Need
In order to obtain a Workers’ Comp quote, you need to provide us with the following information:
-name, address(es), federal identification number of your company
-date coverage is needed
-do you have current/prior coverage?
-complete description of operations of your company
-estimated yearly payrolls for all employees, broken up by class code
-loss runs from prior coverage
-audits from prior coverage
-experience modification information if available
-officer names, would they like to be included or excluded in coverage?
More information may also be needed to obtain a Workers’ Comp quote. Once we have a better understanding of your company’s operations, Workers’ Comp needs, and coverge history, we can assist you with meeting all of your Workers’ Comp quote requirements. We will also review the quote with you to explain the various charges it contains and why they are included in the cost of Workers’ Comp insurance. Such charges you may see include the NYS Assessment, terrorism, catastrophic industrial accidents, expense constant, and more. We will also provide you with a better understanding of class code rates and how they are determined.
Workers’ Comp Quote: We Can Help
Enforce Coverage Group can assist you with all of your Workers’ Comp needs, including obtaining a competitive Workers’ Comp quote. Contact us today at 212-947-4298.