NYS Workmens Comp Code 6319 Gas Main or Connection Construction and Drivers

Ed WinslowNY Class Codes

NY Workers Comp Rate for Code 6319 Gas Main or Connection Construction 

Description: Code 6319 applies to the construction of gas mains, steam mains, water mains or construction that connects these types of mains. Code 6319 only applies to tunneling when the tunneling is conducted at street crossings without the use of air pressure. Otherwise Code 6251 or Code 6260 apply.

The excavation of land, when performed by the contractor who is engaged in the construction or installation of mains and any landscaping work performed in connection with the construction operations also applies to code 6319.                                                                                                                         

Materials Used: the fabrication of pipe, couplings, pipe fittings, e.g., “T”s, elbows, bushings, adapters, etc., to be used in conjunction with the pipeline construction.  

Pricing: Solid companies with a good loss history can obtain better than average pricing on NYS Workers compensation rates.

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