NYS Workmens Comp Code 6217 Excavation and Drivers.

Ed WinslowNY Class Codes

NYS Workmens Comp Rate for Code 6217 Excavation 

Description: Code 6217 is a not otherwise classified code which means it is used when no other more specific code applies. It applies to contractors engaged in general excavation including ditch digging, burrowing, filling or backfilling; excavations for building foundations, swimming pools, landscape gardening. It can also apply to grading involved in airport construction, grading of land prior to construction or planting, grading of parking lots.

This Code does not include grading in connection with street or road construction, dam or lock construction, pile driving, shaft sinking, and cofferdam work.

Materials Used: power shovels, trench diggers, bulldozers, motor graders and carryalls.

Pricing: Solid companies with a good loss history can obtain better than average pricing on NYS Workers compensation rates.

Rates Click For Excavation Rates