NY Workers Comp Class Code 5223 Swimming Pool Construction

Ed WinslowNY Class Codes


Swimming Pool Construction workers Comp code 5223 is applicable to those risks engaged in the construction of municipal, commercial or residential swimming pools.

Who can Use it:  Code 5223 Contractors involved in all operations necessary for the construction of both in-ground and above-ground-level pools along with the construction or installation of  walkways and the installation of accessories or other apparatus used in the operation of a pool. All shop work necessary to ensure the completion of the pool at the selected site is also applicable to Code 5223.  If a Pool company also provides maintenance and the crew is separate with out the interchange of labor Class Code 9030 Building service maintenance can be used.

Materials Used: Basic swimming pool construction varies and can involve the use of poured concrete, granite, dry pack, concrete block, brick, aluminum, fiberglass and wood and Vinyl liners.

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