NY Workers’ Comp class code 5022: Masonry New Rate
The rate for NY Workers’ Comp class code 5022 has increased 8.1% since 2011. In general, the already high rates for NYS contractors have increased significantly in recent years.
Workers’ Comp class code 5022: Who Does It Apply To?
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Workers’ Comp class code 5022 applies to insureds engaged in masonry that is not otherwise classified in the Workers’ Comp Manual. This includes masonry work in connection with the construction of residential, commercial, or industrial structures using brick, brick veneer or cement, concrete, stone, marble or glass blocks. NY Workers’ Comp class code 5022 also applies to contractors who perform fireplace construction, chimney construction, gypsum blocks or bricks installation, exterior building caulking, broiler brickwork, and more.
Tuckpointing is also included in NY Workers’ Comp class code 5022. However, this operation is not assigned to class code 5022 when it is performed along with construction that falls under another code. When masonry is performed in connection with building raising or moving, NY Workers’ Comp class code 5022 applies. However, if no separation of payroll between the two operations exists, class code 5703 or the highest-rated class code instead applies. Similar operations of commercial chimneys (5222), interior plastering (5480), and ceramic tile, indoor stone, marble, or mosaic work (5348) do not apply to NY Workers’ Comp class code 5022.
Workers’ Comp class code 5022: Masonry Rate Updates
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